Sunday, June 17, 2012

Be grateful for life, and be grateful for a diversity of others in your life, each agents of change.

Be grateful for every thought, idea, and emotion experienced by yourself and others, as dust savors not sweet nor sour.

Be grateful that you can easily accept and subscribe to all world views, as you are both a pea and a soup.

Be grateful to live in a part of the world that provides you with everything you need to be happy.

Be grateful for your sacrifices and the sacrifices of others that provided you with the life you've had.

Be grateful to have a beautiful family, home, neighborhood, city, state, country, world, and life.

Be grateful that people love you, and that you love other people.

Be grateful to have had the friends that you’ve had, and look forward to making new friends.

Be grateful that the happiness of others makes you happy.

Be grateful that you can forgive, and that you can be forgiven.

Be grateful that you were provided an education, and a greater understanding of the life you are living.

Be grateful that you love to learn, and you love to share what you learn.

Be grateful that you have traveled around the world, and that you will travel again in the end.

Be grateful that you can maximize your potential and the potential of others, to fulfill your and their purpose.

Be grateful that you have the ability to create beautiful things for yourself and other people.

Be grateful that you view mistakes as opportunities to make things better.

Be grateful that you have the ability to choose inner peace, regardless of what goes on outside of you.

Be grateful that you have an abundance mentality, and that you can help others overcome scarcity mentality.

Be grateful that you are not angry with the past, nor fearful of the future, but living in the moment, sensing, perceiving, intraverting, feeling, and thinking.

Be grateful that you are a part of everything, and that you have, and will always be, a part of infinitely changing everything, where everything is another word for power or God(s).

Be grateful to be able to sense the soft touch of your breath, infinity moving through infinity.

Be grateful to be able to sense the tastes in your mouth, infinity tasting infinity.

Be grateful to be able to sense the smell in your nose, infinity smelling infinity.

Be grateful to be able to sense the quiet sounds behind the noise, infinity hearing infinity.

Be grateful to be able to sense the colors and darkness of this place, infinity seeing infinity.

Be grateful for every beautiful moment, to have a beautiful day.

Be grateful for every beautiful day, to have a beautiful life.